On October 1st, 2022, the federal government announced that it was removing all covid-19 travel restrictions in Canada. This was very welcome news for the Canadian travel industry which suffered greatly during the pandemic.


The border measures have been removed due to several factors including Canada’s high vaccination rates, lower hospitalization and death rates, the availability and use of vaccine boosters, rapid tests and evolving treatments for covid-19.

What Restrictions were Lifted?

The restrictions that were lifted mean that regardless of citizenship, travelers will no longer have to provide proof of vaccination, submit their health information through ArriveCan, undergo pre- or on-arrival testing, or quarantine or isolate due to covid-19.


Transport Canada also removed existing travel requirements and travelers no longer have to undergo health checks for travel by air and rail, or wear masks on planes and trains. Although the masking requirement has been lifted, travelers are strongly recommended to wear high quality and well-fitted masks on planes and trains.

How Does this Affect Unvaccinated Travelers?

Up until October 1st, if your cruise visited Canada, for example, you still had to complete a rapid test before you boarded and you had to be fully vaccinated. Now that these measures have been lifted, unvaccinated travelers can now enter Canada and are no longer be required to take a covid-19 test. There are some amazing Alaskan cruises that depart out of Vancouver, and East Coast itineraries that are fantastic (Teena just got back from one such cruise!) that are now open to unvaccinated guests.


Many cruise lines have also lifted their vaccination requirements which means cruise travel in almost every destination is open to everyone. If you’re considering a cruise and aren’t sure what the cruise line’s requirements are, please ask us. The vast majority of countries have also lifted their restrictions and have allowed tourists back in. There is something for everyone out there!

Should I Travel?

Travel is back and we are busy! The VFC team has traveled extensively this year, and continues to do so, in addition to hundreds of clients traveling throughout the world. People are cruising, taking all-inclusive vacations and seeing the world in amazing bucket-list destinations.  We do advise to book early, however. There really is no such thing as a last-minute vacation deal anymore and we are already booking into 2024. Prices fluctuate (usually up!) daily – sometimes even hourly – so when you see a deal, jump on it.

At Vacations for Canadians, we provide value for service and are always here to help you get the most out of your well-earned vacation dollars. Contact us to get the conversation started on where to travel next!

Check out our recent posts: Cruising for Seniors, Three Kid-Friendly All-Inclusive Resorts We Recommend, LGBTQ+ Friendly Travel